What's up yall? I been gone for a min. but I'm back now. I've been doing a few things lately. I've been making beats for my dudes Mercy & TF Poet & and they have been getting positive feedback. [their rhymes are dope] On the other hand, I still have a problem.
I'm a coitophobic/genophobic which means that I am terrified of any kind of sex or sexual inteecourse. There are a few things that cause this like incest, molestation & rape. Fortunately, I have never been in those circumstances because I'm a virgin. I am one of the people who have not had anything happen to them as far as a sexual crime. It just happened.
When I think about sex I get so scared. My heart races, my hands sweat, I get very nervous & my stomach hurts. Idk why, but it literally scares the living s*** out of me.
In attempts to avoid any type of sexual contact, I've strayed further away from dating. Ever since my fear developed, I've grown lonely & miserable. I don't want to be lonely for the rest of my life but I'm scared to open up to guys because most of them won't understand.
So thats my confession...go ahead and laugh....