Friday, May 14, 2010

Really. Is this what Black America is coming to?

The video above is a clip of an unfair girl fight. Some of you probably are wondering why I'm posting this. I'm posting it because I actually know one of these girls [the one in the black.] I think it's unfair that she got jumped even though she brought it on herself by driving to the other girl's neighborhood, trying to fight her & start drama. Even if they did get into a fight, I think it should have been one on one. Instead the other girl's aunt & other people jumped in and jumped her. I don't understand. I'm glad they decided to fight instead of bring guns or other weapons. It would have been a much worse situation if they did that.

This is why men mistreat us young women by calling us out of our names. This is why people stereotype black women and instead of trying to stop it, they record it. It makes no sense to me at all. One girl tried to break it up but more people wanted to see it. Smh. This is why other races look down on us. They always see videos of us fighting or degrading ourselves & we wonder why they discriminate us. We really have to get it together.

- Signing off,


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